decision making

wpid-can-stock-photo_csp3357924.jpgwhat is decision making?

In the term of decision making we are in the situation or a place where we have to make choice among options. The state of mind works after making any decision. Although, it is a small or big but it’s roots joins with our happiness and sadness which comes from after make decision.
We all take decisions in our life, though a child, young, old, expert, from servant to a king .
we also can say that our life is fully depend on our decision which we take.
A decision taken in the past impact on our present and the present decision impact on future. In simple words, the seed we sown in past flowering today as same as a present cultivation harvest in future.

How to take a decision as a child?

Sometimes parents feel that there is no need to take stress of making decision for children. if you are doing or thinking for your children with this thought, then you are realy doing someway wrong with your children. Make a decision of a child is as important as for you as a parents. Although we are in love or heartily attached with our child but for the good building foundation is pre -importance.
A child can be a good decision maker, if we look over the history of world, we can see that there were a lot of warriors, invader, successfull, philosopher and all those who come front with such shine that make their name forever.

A child is a student who need to learn and learn for how to make a decision which help in make the splendid future. if we want a child should have bright future so need to make them gain the quality of make decision.

we take the decision in every step as well as as we grow daily our choices get hike and in this materialistic world our right or wrong decision plays a pivotal role in our life.

Sometimes we run across with such students who are not happy with their course which they chosen.
The choice of their course was overall after took the decision of choose that courses. Can we say that we took wrong decision on that time so regretting now.
It is very simple term as defined above means past decision make our present and present make to past.

we see that sometime we are not happy with our relationship,wife wanna get divorce today and now I also feel that I got haste to choose life partner. Were your decision taken in hurry so today you are regretting.

There are a abundance of examples where people are not happy like I’m not happy with my life partner, I’m not happy with my study or course I choosed, my buisness partner is a not good man, etc.All comes after our decisions.

Are the things like good or bad, happiness or sorrow depends on our luck or due to us.

if we say that I didn’t choose right course and today I’m unhappy with it, u didn’t choose right college to study and unhappy overall, we had need to explore all about

# we should explore first about the work which we are going to do,As a student you should take the advice of any could take the advice of a any elder student who have done in your field, because it is not always compulsory that we Learn from our mistakes,In simple words, we do mistake first and then feel our mistake to make it right. This is nor the rule of success neither it is the sign of a good decision maker.

. we need to know about the education system of college /school /university where we are going to take admission. Be satisfied with you before do any thing. your one time decision is a actor of long term movie. So consider that your institution’s services is why and how unique and how it gonna help you in. Nowadays, we have a lot of sources to get the information although online or offline..Read all the possibilities to run the awesome show.

# we have proper Time and freedom to make our decision then why you put your foot in own mouth.

What we need to act as a good decision maker?

As a decision maker we have need to consider some things before run the actuall show.

# if today we say that we are not happy with our relations, wife says I want divorce and u say whether you choosed wrong partner but we were self decision maker, we could figure out each’s other nature, habits and all those things could be learnt which make your relations perfect, we can take the help of someone who is more intelligent or experienced than us or we have more options make better or ruin any relation,but have need to get the perfect decision.

# Before make any decision we need to know the nature of object for make out the structure of it.
Suppose, you want to buy a new car and you want make decision on the spot after while you just now saw a Add on the television and you are ready to buy now.
Don’t u feel that you are in hurry, even first of all you need to consider a lot of notable things before buy this new car.

* see the availability of cash with you after considered all your important expenses.
* Are you paying cash or installment, if installment then Do you feel easy to pay installments with your present salary or full income you earn.

* Do you have good knowledge of buying car like check pros and cons of it.
* Don’t you feel that you should take advice of one or few friends, elders, expert so you don’t feel regret after bought.
# In other words, it indicates that learn the value, ups and downs, profit and loss before make your decision.

# A buisness know the profit loss before make decision.

# A student need to know the value of study for a good career.

# Same in a relationship as well as we can say that whatever we ar, In which place we are, after all our decision can make or ruin our life.


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