The craze of tattoo making is increasing nowadays more in youngsters because of more popularity can be seen from one decade specially.It is directly influenced by more celebrities or such tattoo promoting programs like some documentaries on lifestyle channels as National geographic,discovery which directly impact on teenagers to get craze for make tattoo body.
In ancient time it was a belief that get the tattoo on body revealed the tolerance power of a person and also stepping into youth,but nowadays majority take it as a fashion ,class or trend.
A tattoo in actual a form of arts which can be art or designed on the top layer of your skin .But apart from considering a fashion or trend of this form of art bring us some disadvantages which need to reckon if you are going to be a part of tattoo hunting .

1.The tattoo work mostly performed by a artist which uses tattoo’s making gun or other hand machine with needles ,and these needles work for drawing on your body with be into skin layer around 1/16inch.you would have need to bear with this pain while needles staggering in your skin.

2.The high cost of making a tattoo,and artists does charge with own minded rates, so it’s upto on artist how much he can charge according to the size of tattoo’s and filling of colours.

3.Tattoo is permanent and can’t be removed easily, if you want to erase it,it doesn’t always work 100% even price is very expensive.

4.There are also need to keep maintenance of tatoo, like after years the colour can be faded or appear fault lines of the drawing,you may have needed to refill colour or modified again .

5.Fashion and trends always changes,it is not sure the design which you are liking today’s will remain your choice forever,may be you would have to regret.May be the tattoo look attractive at the age of 20,but it would be a strange thing after the age of 50.

6.Prof; Helen suh macintosh an expert in environment health from harvard university said ,some diseases that can be generated from non sterile tattooing process are:-
. Hiv-Aids infection
. Hepatitis ,B or c.
.Myco bacterium,Syphilis, malaria, leprosy.

7.Allergic reactions.:tattoo’s colours especially red,green,yellow and blue dyes contains form of fabric or metalic substances can causes allergic stern reaction, such as itchy rash at the tattoo site,this can occurs every years after you get the tattoo as well as it can cause some kind of infections like puss, redness, dryness over skin and itching skin feel to occur.

8.Tattoos become the reason when we applying for the army ,or nowadays in coorporate sector even the person with tattoo take as a unproffesional guy,when we are attending any interview and there your tattoo’s site is bare which directly impact on your recognization .In simple words,tattoo can be characteristic of a person.

9.Tattoo can also impact on your present relation.Suppose ,you are writing name of your x girlfriend or x wife and it is a one reason of dislike for your current partner.

10.If you have to go into hostpital,tattoo can sometimes be a problem, for example, an epidwel(for painness,child birth and other procedures),involves an injection in the lower back,doctors worry about giving this injection through a tattoo incase the link gets into the fluid around the spinal cord and so they usually have to cut the skin.

There are many people who really feel regret after making tattoos and look the ways for remove it.


Methods for removing tattoos include laser treatments abstraction, scarification,and surjery ,some people attempt to comoflage an objectionable tattoo with a new one,each approach has drawbacks.Laser treatment
can lighten many tattoos ,some more easily and effectively than others ,generally ,several visits are necessary over a span or weeks or months,and the treatment can be expensive.

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